Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 31 March 2023

Hello there Massage Gangstas! At Folding Towels Podcast, we value your privacy as much as we love a perfectly folded towel – maybe you prefer a tightly rolled towel over crisp folds. Hopefully by now you realise that the serious stuff doesn’t have to be written to sound like a lawyer. This policy is no different, we’ve written it in language that you will probably find easier to understand, while covering off the important things.  This is a website and we do collect a little bit of information, so this Privacy Policy outlines how we handle your information, so let’s dive in.

1. Information We Collect:

We collect your email addresses because, well, we’d love to keep you in the loop about what we are doing and any new things. We also use pixels (Facebook) and Google Analytics to understand how you interact with our site.

2. How We Use Your Information:

Your email? It’s for sending you updates, announcements, and maybe a virtual high-five for being an awesome listener. We will not sell your information to anyone.  The Facebook /(Meta) Pixel and Google Analytics help us analyse website traffic, making sure we’re delivering content that is crisp and clen, just the way you love your laundry.

3. Cookies:

We use might use cookies to make your experience cosier. These tiny bits of data help us personalise content and remember your preferences. You can manage your cookie preferences in your own browser settings.

4. Sharing Your Information:

Fear not! We won’t sell or trade your information ANYONE. Your trust is sacred to us.  We might occasionally email you with something that one of our supporters is desperate to tell you about … that email will come from us and not them.

5. Your Rights Under Applicable Privacy Laws:

For our friends under the Australian Privacy Act, you have the right to access, correct, or request the deletion of your personal information. If you wish to exercise these rights or have any privacy-related concerns, feel free to contact us. We’re here to ensure your experience with Folding Towels Podcast aligns with the privacy principles set out in the Australian Privacy Act.

For our European friends covered by GDPR, you have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information. If you have any concerns, reach out to us, and we’ll iron them out.

6. Security:

We’ve got your data tucked in like a well-folded corner. Our digital security measures aim to keep your information safe and sound.  The information we collect is limited to your name and e-mail address.  We do not use this site to collect any locational, health or financial information.

7. Changes to This Policy:

Just as health practices evolve, so might our privacy practices. We’ll notify you of any changes, so you’re always in the loop.

8. Contact Us:

Questions, concerns, or just want to share your favoruite massage technique? Reach out to us at

Thanks for trusting us with your data. Now, let’s get back to the podcast and keep those towels perfectly folded!

Jackie Kerin and David Clayton